I was reading Oprah's website as I do almost daily, and I came across an interesting piece with Geneen Roth. She was discussing her new book, "Women, Food, and God". Naturally, I was interested. Along with the story was Oprah proclaiming after reading this book she will NEVER diet again! Well, if Oprah is not dieting after 25 years on the air talking about her health and weight struggles, then I just had to know what exactly Geneen Roth was saying.
I watched the video of Geneen sharing her eating guidelines, which she kindly calls, "If Love Could Speak to You Instructions". There are seven instructions in regards to eating that will never make you diet again. The video is great and really summarizes Geneen's message about love, kindness, and the power of thought.
I wonder what Love would say to me if it could speak to me? Would Love tell me to mindlessly eat massive amounts of Haribo while watching a movie? Would Love tell me to wake up every morning and eat immediately even if I am still half asleep and of course, eat while in front of the computer and the tv? Would Love tell me to eat at 12pm just because it's lunch time even though I am no longer in grade 3? Probably not. I've never thought about the connection to where I eat, and the surroundings in which I eat to, simply, Love. I am a true believer that food and eating symbolizes many things about who we are, but until I watched this video I never made the connection between eating/food and Love. Basically, I could definitely give food and the gift of eating more of the respect, love, and pleasure it deserves. Here are Geneen Roth's guidelines for eating:
1. Eat when you are hungry (not because it's 'dinner time', or a party, or movie night)
2. Eat in a calm environment (not on the bus, in your car, movie theater)
3. Eat without distractions (no tv, computer, or annoying dinner guests)
4. Eat what your body wants (nourishment)
5. Eat until you are satisfied (not full, stuffed, or undoing the buttons of your pants)
6. Eat with the intention of being in full view (no 'sneaking' food or eating in secret stemming from a place of shame)
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto, and pleasure (enjoy eating!)
I think we could all benefit from incorporating some of these guidelines into our eating habits. I especially like #7!