
 Sushi! Yum... homemade and delicious. 

Danish produce FRESH! I love summer friuts and vegetables. 

Organic, local raised meat shop in Copenhagen, Denmark. They have pictures of the farms and animals on the window and it seems to be a progressive step in the right direction for the raising of animals for human consumption. I like that it's organic, local, and that the farmers have taken initiative, raised the bar, and created their own standards for raising animals for meat. 

My friend Mike took this picture in Croatia (I think). It's a basket filled with dried fruits and nuts... very fresh, and looks absolutely amazing! I have, and will, always love dried fruits and nuts. Sometimes I want to go hiking just so I can eat copious amounts of trail mix. 

 Danish Lagkage (layer cake). This is a traditional birthday cake. SO GOOD! These two were made after a day in the park at a weeekend festival, so they are a little messy.. but still amazing with champagne! Topped with many small danish flags and served with a big spoon-- this cake is delicious. 

Kale and White Bean soup. I added in sweet potato and used 2 cups strong green tea in place of water in the broth. 

A shopping trip to Whole Foods. Beautiful and delicious foods! 

 Sippin' on jars of juice!