Master Cleanse

Here I will write about my 10 day journey with the Master Cleanse beginning April 14, 2010.
*Me with the Culprits in Copenhagen, Denmark:

April 28, 2010
Fifth day off the cleanse. I have desperately missed being on the cleanse. When I do it again I am going to continue for 15 days. If you are reading this and are on the cleanse, I am jealous. I knew I was enjoying the cleanse while on it, even though there were tough times, but now I want to be cleansing again so much that I've considered starting again. Knowing this is not healthy for my body, I am going to wait before starting again. 
I did not write a lot on my tenth day- I have had some busy days since then, and I have been trying to sort my feelings since ending the cleanse. My sister is also missing the cleanse. I never thought that I would miss the cleanse like this. I thought at most I would appreciate it's capabilities and healing ability, but that would be the extent of it and I would happily eat balanced meals. But I have to admit, I came off the cleanse very fast (faster than I thought or would have liked), and have eaten some things I thought I would never eat- like (and I can't believe I am admitting this) candy, chocolate and some fried foods. And before one jumps to the conclusion that I must me missing the cleanse because I have quickly eaten some crap food, that simply is not the case. I ate those foods because I was sad and missing the cleanse. In some strange way, the cleanse and that refreshing lemonade was my friend and I really enjoyed the daily regime and process of cleansing. Was I eating those foods because subconsciously I thought it would give me an excuse to start the cleanse again, or sooner get me back on the lemonade band-wagon? Maybe. 
A solution to my longing is to continue to drink the lemonade. No skipping meals or anything, but there is no need to ditch it all together. I don't do that to friends. Now some of you may be struggling to even swallow small sips of the lemonade after so many days, but for me, right now, take a huge gulp and appreciate it!  

April 23, 2010
Day Ten: 11AM
Morning of day ten!! I am feeling great this morning. I am so glad I stayed with the cleanse even though there were times I really did not want to continue and actually thought I would not be able to. I slept so well last night and my dreams were crazy and a little disturbing! I can see why people get to day ten and continue. Once you are here, on your last day, you begin to think, 'this is not so bad'. I feel totally re-energized from the excitement that I made it to my goal. However, this is going to be my last day of the cleanse, but I am going to take a very slow easing off period for the best results. Today I am going to China town to buy oranges, vegetables, herbs, and TOFU!- it's supposed to be well priced there (not $8 for 200g like in the rest of CPH). I am very excited to start making some recipes with it next week.  

April 22, 2010
Day Nine: 11:30AM
The sun is shining and I am feeling great this morning. I have a long day ahead of me and will be at school from 1 to 10pm tonight. But once I get home day nine is over and I only have one day left. I am excited for the OJ on day 11, but I am even more excited to make all the recipes I have come across while on the cleanse. I've had to stop reading and fantasizing about them because it leaves me short-sighted and I begin to think 2 more cleansing days and 2 days on juice/soup is far too long for me to handle! So instead I am thinking about the transformation I have experienced in just 9 days on this cleanse. I think about how I feel, how my body feels and looks, and how clean I am! I think about my organs like my liver pushing out all the weak cells damaged from alcohol and repairing itself everyday; my kidneys clean and purifying my blood with every pulse of my strong heart; and the pores of my skin open and releasing toxins leaving behind a healthy, glowing complexion. 

10:30pm. It's the end of day nine! One more day to go and although I am excited and hungry, I have some mixed feelings as well. I'm a little sad to be finished the cleanse, and although I could continue to go for more days, I know I am ready to finish. My tongue peeled today so it is now pink and does not feel thick anymore. I was very low energy today and I could feel my muscles tire when I climbed stairs and biked to and from school. I was just plain exhausted and felt like my muscles could not 'fire' and work the way they normally do. I was emotional, grumpy and irritable. Thankfully I did not have the energy to make the little annoying things of my day turn into a big embarrassing fit. I checked out the cafeteria today and although everything was fresh and very Scandinavian (hence, delicious!), there were little vegetarian options, let alone vegan options. I bring my own food, but it was just a quick survey again of the 'average' lunch meal-- loaded with wheat, dairy, eggs and meat. Fresh bread and fruit are always available as well, which is nice, but definitely not considered an exciting vegetarian meal. However, the spread is beautiful and I will post a picture next week. 
While I scanned these lunch options, the greater thought on my mind was, 'What am I going to eat when I am finished the cleanse so that I continue to feel clean, fresh, energized, and not bloated?'  I'm considering many things: #1 vegan; #2 eat slowly; #3 smaller portions; #food combining. Just 9 days without food has really made me re-analyze my relationship with food. What do I use food for, other than nutrition? Do I eat my emotions? How do I identify with food? Am I fully appreciating its' beauty, and the subservient nature of food to always be there offering its' nutrients? Meaning, do I appreciate food's nutrients which sustain my body, heal me, make me grow, and one day, will enable me to grow a child? 
This cleanse has definietly made an impact on my relationship with food, but will it last? For now, all I can know is that I feel great, healthy, clean, and like a weight has been lifted by with-staining from the physical act of eating food. But by with-staining from food  I have thought more about food, fantasized more about food, and realized some social ironies about food that I believe I would not have if not having done this cleanse. I feel I have learned more about food in the last nine days than I could have in any kitchen.
I just finished the tea and am looking forward to enjoying my last night. I feel very proud of myself that I have made it to day 10! Although tomorrow is my last day, I will continue to write about my experience during the few days easing off the cleanse.
The OJ is already calling my name... 

April 21, 2010
Day Eight: Last night was rough. I woke up at 3am with intense stomach pain and definitely felt the toxins swirling until 5am. So this morning it was hard waking up, but I made sure to drink more lemonade earlier and lots of water. I also find taking a shower refreshes me and makes me feel a lot better, so that's exactly what I did. Overall, it was a good day. I drank a lot more lemonade, and other than some back pain, I was feeling pretty good. I no longer have a headache and my tongue is starting to become pink on the sides. I can still feel it's thick in the back though because sometimes it seems like I have a hair in my mouth. My skin is clearing more everyday and my eyes are bright. I still get very cold in the afternoons and into the evening, but I make sure to bundle up and put enough cayenne in the lemonade. 
Today I switched to limes as a treat. I actually prefer the lemons more. 
One of the best benefits of the cleanse that I have experienced is the lack of indigestion, bloating, or stomach discomfort. I feel as though there is air where my stomach is and it's so comfortable! It's not until you make a significant change to your health do you realize how bad your previous state was. If just to continue to feel this way, I will eat less to aid my digestion system.
Today I was still feeling hungry and desiring food. I've learned to eat with my sense of smell- I figure there must be a reason why it becomes so hightened in the first place. I drank enough lemonade today, but I'm just excited to cook again and enjoy a tasty, healthy meal- it's my passion and I feel a void when I'm not trying new foods and recipes. However, I know that I will appreciate the food that much more now that I've with stained without it. Every bite of it! This cleanse is not only great for one's health, but also to teach that food is special, and unbelievably wonderful. It saddens me that so many in the world will not ever be able to experience the different types, flavours, and availability of food that so many of us privileged are. 
I long to feel the warmth from soup in my belly, the comfort of bread, beans, and buckwheat, and the sweet simplicity of fruit again. Two more days and I'm going to try and enjoy them for all the experience they have to offer!

April 20, 2010
Day Seven: Feeling great this morning and not hungry at all after a really good night sleep. I'm finding I need less lemonade now that I am well past the first three day shock of not eating. Last night I watched a movie with my roommates and they were eating candies and tomato soup. That soup smelled absolutely incredible and I could not even concentrate on the movie. It smelled warm and salty... so so salty. It burned my nose actually. I continued to smell it two hours after he finished. Obviously my senses are very sensitive now! I had a headache last night as well, but I think that had more to do with the lack of sleep on the weekend. 
I am considering going longer than 10 days, but I will decide on day 10. I just want to focus on the cleansing process over the next 4 days. My skin and eyes are a lot brighter, I feel energetic, and my mind is clear. My face has slimmed down I think from all the salt having been flushed from my body, and maybe from some weight loss as well. I don't own a scale so I am not weighing myself. I don't want to focus too much on the weight loss, but I am noticing changes in my body when I look in the mirror and when I wear clothing. I have found in the past that if the main goal is weight-loss, in times of being hungry or not feeling well I can easily convince myself that the cleanse is not necessary and I will just eat super healthy, and I quit the cleanse missing out on the benefits of riding toxins from the body. Everyone is different, and I agree it does keep me going at times when I see my flat stomach, but it's not enough during the really hard times. 
To think I haven't eaten food in a week is pretty crazy to wrap my mind around!  

2pm. I am very hungry and a little cranky to be on the cleanse. I am now thinking I will stop at 10 days, but I will decide when the time comes. I had to buy more maple syrup this afternoon and being in the grocery store was making me think of food way too much. I know I am not ready to come off and if I were to 4 days from finishing I would be terribly upset about it. My roommate just poured some peanut M&M's on my desk and laughed at me. He doesn't know I'm on this cleanse, but we tease each other about staying healthy. Those blue, orange, and green sweet and peanutty treats are starring at me as I type and I'm ready to throw them out the window into the streets of Copenhagen! Hope I don't hit anyone.. 

10pm. I am still very hungry. Today was definitely my hardest day and I actually had thoughts of ending the cleanse, thinking there's no way I can do 3 more days. My body aches all over and I am freezing. I am cranky and irritable- all signs of cleansing. My sense of smell is so heightened that I can smell food what seems to be like all the time. Tomorrow I am going to drink a lot more lemonade in an attempt to curb the hunger cravings. I think some days are just harder than others. No one said this was going to be easy. I thankfully got some strong and encouraging advice from my sister whom just finished 17 days this week. Bravo! 
I look forward to a better day tomorrow.

April 19, 2010
Days Four, Five, Six: It's been a very busy couple of days with the party on Saturday night. I am still going strong though and happy to be on day six! All day Saturday we were getting ready for the party so I was moving around a lot. I managed to get a 20 minute rest in, but after that I was up until 8am Sunday. We had 100 people here and two bars so there was a lot of drunk people and pizza, peanuts, pancakes and candies to tempt me. Happy to report that I did not cave at all. I drank plenty of water and lemonade and even did a shot of maple syrup at 5:30am to keep me going. I still had a great time and witnessed some very drunk (and embarrassing) behavior which I was very glad was not me. I had a lot of compliments on my 'figure' by both men and women, which was really nice because the dress I wore was tight and sexy and I would not have worn  it pre-cleansing. I have noticed a lot of changes in my body. I am a lot leaner all over, but especially in my stomach and legs. My stomach never hurts and is not bloated-- it's flat and firm. Other than a little tired from the weekend, I feel great!
Sunday I stayed in bed all day hoping to recover from the lack of sleep. I only drank 3 glasses of lemonade and not enough water either and I attribute that to my lack of energy and dizziness today. I am going to drink 12 glasses of lemonade today and plenty of water. I am not hungry though and feeling strong. If I can get through that party, nothing will stop me now! I am excited to be half way! Thanks again to all of you reading my blog! I hope it's encouraging, supportive, and interesting!        

April 16, 2010
Day Three: This morning I awoke easily and refreshed, and earlier than I usually am able to. I felt great. Drank the tea, two glasses lemonade and biked to the castle for the Queen's birthday. It was sunny and beautiful and I wasn't hungry at all, and even totally forgot I was on the cleanse. I was happy and confident today and I was proud to be on the cleanse, it was really nice. After the celebration I sat with a friend in CPH while she ate Haribo candy in front of me. I wasn't tempted because I was feeling so great and I could remember how addicting and crappy candy makes me feel (fun in the moment, but it's like a bad drug- major addicting and unhealthy). I came home around 3pm and started to feel hungry, and I became very cold. I drank more lemonade and relaxed bundled up in a big scarf. This evening I was very very hungry. I had no thoughts of quitting, but watching my room mates eat pizza and spring rolls was pretty difficult. I felt sad almost. When they all went out to grab a post-party beer (we're having a huge party tomorrow), I felt a little left out. Feeling weak I went to the MC forum and read some posts. Now I'm feeling relaxed and ready for bed, and glad day three is over. My stomach is really flat and that acts as a little motivator when I look in the mirror!
I mentioned the party- it's HUGE! Over 100 people are coming and I live in the country of major drinkers- I'm not kidding. So I've decided to drink my lemonade and lemon water and not tell anyone about the cleanse or that I'm not actually drinking! Should be very interesting being sober at a party like this where everyone thinks you are just as drunk as they are...  
Thanks for all you reading my posts and visiting my blog! I recently started it and so far I'm having a lot of fun with it. Now for the lax tea... 

April 15, 2010
Day Two. This morning around 7am I woke up feeling awful- my stomach hurt and I was dizzy. I released A LOT of toxins and broke into a cold sweat and was extremely dizzy- to the point where I thought I was going to pass out and I could just envision my roommates finding me on the floor with my pants around my ankles (what a thought!). The dizziness went away, thankfully, and I went back to bed. When I woke up 2 hours later I was full of energy and not hungry at all (I am usually so hungry in the mornings and it's the thought of buckwheat cereal with agave and a steaming earl grey tea the only thing that gets me out of bed). I was so energetic that I was actually excited to run some errands I had to do- go to the store, clean up stairs, and pack my bag for today. I was not hungry at all and I felt better than I have in months. Still feeling great after my 25 minute bike ride to class today. I sat through the lecture not feeling hungry and feeling just really good. By 4pm though, I started to feel a little hungry. It doesn't help that I am 'stuck' at school and sitting in the cafeteria. The smell of the food is lovely, but I am not tempted, as I feel strong and committed to this cleanse. A great tip is to have a lemonade and chug a lot of water when you start to feel hungry, sluggish, or have thoughts of quitting. 
My back is aching today, and that surprises me because I have no previous back injuries or pain usually. My head feels really clear and I'm feeling 'lighter'- not in the sense that I've lost weight, but more to do with not being bogged down by the side effects of food- I often get gassy and sluggish from food and left craving more and more. Now I feel hydrated and clean. 
A group of Danish students just sat outside in front of me in the sun to enjoy a cold Tuboug. I have thought a lot about what my relationship to beer and alcohol will be after this cleanse. On the one hand, I would like to give it up all together for my health (and waistline), but on the other, it simply is fun and I would rather be a young drinker than be 45 years old and feel I 'missed out' and party on. I can't say that would happen, but it still dawns on my mind. However, what got me in the 'unhealthy' position I am now is over doing it. I ate, drank, and partied my way through Europe for 7 months. So I think the lesson to learn is to maintain healthy habits and do all the bad stuff in moderation- but remember to do it well!  
So far it's been a really good day, and far better than day one. The more I continue, the more I realize the cleanse is not about 10 days, 20 days, or whatever, but rather about now, today, this hour, and sometimes even this minute. It really is a process. 
Happy Cleansing!

April 14, 2010
Day One. Last night I enjoyed 'my last meal' so to speak: steamed vegetables with a sweet potato sauce and a banana for dessert. I drank my laxative tea and went to bed- stomach rumbling as though it knew what was to come. I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach pain, but nothing happened. This morning I felt the effects from the tea. I drank another glass of lax tea followed by two glasses of the lemonade. I went for over an hour power walk in Copenhagen- it was sunny and beautiful and it's really good time to think about all the reasons I am doing this cleanse, and hype myself about it. Today I really felt summer and it makes me only more want to get healthy and feel great. Nothing is worse than feeling sluggish, fat, dull, and thick during summer when the sun is shining and there are so many fun things to do! 
When I got home I had another two glasses of lemonade and I definitely felt hungry. An hour later I couldn't keep my eyes open and I felt just plain bad. I wanted to eat and my body didn't feel good. I went to bed for two hours and woke to stomach pain, and I knew what I was in for. After an hour of that, I feel great and not hungry. Drinking my 5th glass right now, I am hoping to drink more tomorrow. I have school all afternoon and into the evening so there won't be time to nap so I'll have to step it up with the lemonade. 
I feel a sense of freedom from having to worry about making healthy, balanced meals. I feel like I have a lot more time, and am sitting here wondering what I am going to do tonight not having to make dinner! Last night at this time I was feeling awful. Now I am feeling really good, strong, I have a slight headache (which I've had for 4 days), and clean even though I am on day one. To be continued...  

What is the Master Cleanse?
Often called, 'The Lemonade Diet', the Master Cleanse is a cleanse rather than what we traditionally think of as a diet. During at least 10 days (some go for as many as 40 days) one only consumes the nutrients from fresh lemons, pure dark maple syrup, and cayenne pepper, all mixed with fresh water, while also drinking plenty of fresh water, laxative tea and some herbal peppermint tea. 
The cleanse is to give ones digestive system a rest while cleansing the colon of deep-seeded toxins, and purify organs including the epidermis (skin) and the liver.  Everyday our bodies absorb toxins from the water we drink and bathe in, the food we digest, and from the air we breath.These toxins overload our liver and other organs and build up over time. This cleanse rids the body of these toxins responsible for acne, skin problems, lethargy, gas and digestion problems, PMS, headaches, and many other health concerns.  

What are the benefits of the Master Cleanse?
Along with cleansing of the colon and organs, one can expect clearing of skin conditions such as acne and excema, relief from bloating, gas, indigestion problems, and relief of previous injuries, just to name a few-the list really goes on. Many report actually feeling pain in areas of their body they have previously hurt- even if they have hurt this area years ago. This is the body forcing out the toxins and healing the injury from within the cells from where this injury was. 

Is this Cleanse for Everyone?
Yes and No. This cleanse requires one to fully understand entirely what they are getting themselves into. It is mentally as challenging as it is physically. It is very important to understand how to safely begin, follow, and finish the cleanse. Start slowly, go steady, and come out of it slowly. There are certain requirements to follow during this cleanse. I suggest reading Stanley Burrows' book, 'The Master Cleanse'. Here is a link to a PDF copy (does not work with Firefox). Stanley Burrows, The Master Cleanse
**Always consult your doctor before engaging in any significant dietary changes, including The Master Cleanse, especially if you have and illness and/or taking medications**

Why am I doing this Cleanse?
I have previously tried this cleanse two times, with the latest attempt three years ago. I did not complete 10 days with either of the attempts (both lasting 4 days). I did not prepare myself adequately for how hard and challenging it would be. It is far more psychological, then physical. I literally decided one evening and then within one or two days, cleared my fridge and started. This time I am preparing myself almost two weeks before the start date for how I will deal with the really hard times and cleansing side effects. This time I have a plan!

Living in Europe is wonderful! Eating whatever comes your way in Europe is even better! And that is exactly what I have been doing for about 7 months. So it's time to cleanse my body before summer is officially here. It's easier to hide a bulging, bloated belly under and stylish long coat while stomping around Europe shoving croissants and cakes in my mouth than it is in a skimpy bikini on the beaches in the South of France. To fully experience Europe, I decided to fully experience all types of food. Everything from exotic fruits, hot dogs, tonnes of pork, sugared potatoes, beer, schnapps, and embarrassing amounts of Haribo Candy- oh, and lets not forget the pastries, cakes, and breads flowing out of bakeries all over Europe! All things in moderation was definitely not my tag-line. 
Unfortunately, all this self-indulgence has left me lethargic, having a hard time falling asleep at night, craving junk food, with acne, low concentration, and about 10lbs fatter. I feel dull and puffy, just like all the puffed, creamed pastries I have eaten. You are what you eat has never resonated more.. I feel I am the perfect candidate to do this cleanse and I am curious to see what happens.

Here I will track my progress- the ups the downs and all that in between- during my journey without any happy chewing, but what I hope will be filled with a whole lot of happy drinking.