Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Do Vegetarians Really Make Better Lovers?

While I was in Berlin, Germany last year I went to The Erotic Museum. Among everything there (and you can just imagine what was there!) I was most interested in the display of aphrodisiac foods believed to get the blood flowing South of the waistline. There was asparagus, artichokes, honey, pomegranates, and bananas, just to name a few. So it got me thinking about what the top 10 aphrodisiac foods are?
A quick Google search and these seem to be the most commonly agreed upon aphrodisiacs: Avocados, Asparagus, Almonds, Bananas, Honey, Basil, Garlic, Figs, Chocolate, and Oysters. Nine out of ten of these are vegetarian foods. So the next time you see a guy wolfing down a steak and liver pie with french fries and a beer, remember this article! Or, remember that the Erotic Museum is in Berlin.

Here are some interesting things I read about these foods:
Avocados- voluminous like a female, but shaped like a testicle, this fruit is associated with the male sexuality. The Aztecs called the avocado tree the "Ahuacuatl", meaning "testicle tree". Apparently the Spanish found the fruit to be too sexy that Catholic priests ban its use to their parishioners.

Almonds- Fellas, listen up! The aroma of almonds is said to arouse passion in females and almonds were considered the fertility symbol throughout antiquity.

Bananas- According to Islamic myth, Adam and Eve covered themselves with banana leaves, not fig leaves, in the Garden of Eden. Due to bananas minerals and vitamins, they are thought to arouse the male libido. And if you want to send a clever hint that a marriage will soon take place, place a banana at the doorstep.

Basil- Basil promotes circulation and in some parts of Italy is regarded as a love-token.

Chocolate- Need I say more? Enjoy the dark, good quality, and of course, Fair Trade kind to get the chemical, serotonin (the happy hormone), swirling in your brain. But remember, exercise also produces serotonin, so don't go too crazy!

Figs- Ripe figs are wildly sexy, so it's no wonder why they are associated with female sexuality. Lush, pink, soft, and bursting with seeds and sweet fruit, it is said to be Cleopatra's favorite fruit. To the ancient Greeks, figs were considered to be more precious than gold!

In Greece lettuce is considered an anti-aphrodisiac! and that is why traditional Greek salad is served without lettuce.
Not only are these food loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they will get your love life burning with passion! Definitely a very happy chew!

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