I just read an article in the Huffingtonpost by John Robbins about female infants growing breasts! The cause: cow milk consumption and cow milk products used in baby formula. So far, it's "not only legal, it's routine in all 50 states" to use bovine growth hormones in dairy cattle that cause infants as young as 4 months to grow breasts! Bovine growth hormone (BGH) is developed by Monsanto a.k.a "The Devil": enough said. So far Canada has banned the use of BGH (Go Canada!), but China and the US routinely use it with their dairy cows. I remember years ago two news reporters for FOX News (don't stop reading, I know it's FOX, but stay with me) wanted to report about the terrible truths of BGH. When their initial report was put through final editing and the lawyers at FOX, it was ripped apart basically for the reason that they did not want a lawsuit with Monsanto. The two reporters were offered large sums of money to keep quiet about what they knew. Read about this story here.
What happened to the news informing the public? I know it's FOX and we can't expect much, but the intentions of these brave reporters went unheard and unseen, and still young infants, children, you, and your neighbor (at least if you live in the US or China) drink gallons of BGH laced milk every day. So on your next visit to the US, pass on the milk, or else, make sure it's organic or certified BGH free. Good news! Starbucks and Ben and Jerry's DO NOT use BGH milk products. mmm... lattes...
I would still promote using soy milk in those lattes though. Just thinking of a hot steaming milky latte leads me to wonder how all those millions of dairy cows are doing and what it would be like to be constantly kept pregnant in a bared cell that I couldn't turn around in, with swollen, red nipples hanging down to the floor.
One last note about the article: Because the cases of infants growing breast tissue are in China, one of my thoughts was that it could be caused by soy products which I've heard cause elevated estrogen levels in femals. But as the article reads, cases similar were reported in Puerto Rico, and when those children there were taken of fresh cow's milk, symptoms regressed.
I really enjoy reading John Robbins articles. He has some books as well: "Diet for a New America", and "The Food Revolution."
I will also take this moment to give a shout out to beautiful Gisele Bundchen for saying that all mothers should breast feed their children for at least 6 months. Whoop!
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